Mi familia y la Comida

It is so awesome living with the Echeverrias again. They make me feel so at home here. Cristina has often been the doting mama (which I very much appreciate). I have a feeling I'm going to be very spoiled for the next few months...

Not to be outshined (outshone? That's a word, right? I'm forgetting English...that's how I know it's begun), my host dad, Pepe, has also been amazing. He's super interested in and supportive of my research. Almost immediately after I arrived in Otavalo, he produced a giant stack of books for me to use. After my first day of research, he made sure to bring me a snack of cookies and grape juice (they joke it's special wine for me because of the bottle's shape). I've literally become their little girl...

Y'all, the food here is so good! I joke about the chicken and rice, but we eat so many different things: empanadas, pizza, soup. One day we had a giant plate of meat! Seriously. Cristina has the photo -- including my shocked face -- to prove it!

The cool thing is how prepackaged food has the regular nutritional info we'd expect, but it also has these really clear color coded labels (green=low, yellow=medium, red=high) for salt, sugar, and fat. There is a national health initiative focused on healthy eating and losing weight, so this info is everywhere, but also you can find traditionally unhealthy snacks (pop, cookies, etc.) that are much better for you (see below).

Also the fruit!! There are so many fruits we either don't have or are expensive and hard to find at home. My favorite is guanĂ¡bana (soursop, according to Google translate, but I've never heard of that at home): juice, ice cream, sign me up! The other day, Huayta shared a fruit (the name of which I can't remember) that looked like a mixture between an avocado and a coconut on the outside, while the fruit was in garlic-like cloves, and tasted like apples. I felt like I had entered the Chocolate Factory, and Willy Wonka himself created this masterpiece. 

Do you have dragon fruit yogurt for breakfast? No I don't think so. 


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